Rise and Shine! Greek Yogurt Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Morning

Starting your day off with a healthy breakfast is extremely important. We all know the old adage that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day,” but it’s important to note that there are proven health benefits to making time to eat a little something in the morning.
You don’t have to go crazy with your breakfast plans, but the truth is there are few things more satisfying than a greek yogurt breakfast.
Eating the same thing each day can get old, so here are a few greek yogurt ideas to keep you happy, healthy, and ready to take on the day.
Let’s get started:
Greek Yogurt Breakfast Ideas
Everyone has a different preference when it comes to yogurt, fruits, grains, and nuts. We’re not going to shove anything down your throat (pun intended) in this article, but we will provide a few tasty suggestions that could come in handy when you’re thinking up ways to improve your morning yogurt.
Picking Up the Essentials
When it comes to concocting great yogurt recipes, the decisions you make in the grocery store are extremely important.
You should start by picking up some apples, oranges, and bananas or whatever fruits you enjoy. These are the fruits that are most common in yogurt dishes and can pair well with most other fruits and grains that you might want to add to your recipe.
Additionally, apples, oranges, and clementines have a decent shelf life, and a person who consumes breakfast on a daily basis should have no difficulty in going through those items before they go bad.
You should also identify your favorite yogurts and buy them in a relatively large amount. The days of buying yogurt and having it go bad are over if you plan to incorporate breakfast regularly into your diet.
You will save a significant amount of money if you buy yogurt in larger portions. Small, single-serving containers should be avoided because they’re more expensive and take a larger toll on the environment.
Grains, Nuts, Seeds
Yogurt is greatly improved nutritionally by the addition of nuts, seeds, and grains. This is an excellent way to add some fiber and protein into your breakfast.
Breakfast improves your daily metabolism, and the incorporation of different proteins will also serve to boost metabolism and help you burn calories throughout the day. Not to mention, a little texture and added flavor can go a long way in terms of enjoyment.
Once you identify the nuts, seeds, and grains you like, we suggest buying them all in bulk. Granola, sunflower kernels, pecans, coconut shavings, almonds, macadamia nuts, and chia seeds are all great places to start.
These products typically have very long shelf-lives and will be cheaper when you decide to buy them in bulk, so it’s a great idea to get more the first time you go shopping.
Additionally, buying larger portions of these products will give you a good incentive to actually use them. Who knows how many times we’ve all bought all of the supplies needed for dietary change, only to leave them sitting in the cupboard?
Fruits to Consider
The wonderful thing about yogurt is that it pairs so well with almost any fruit. A standard, vanilla yogurt gives you a lot of opportunities to explore your options.
Fruits, though, have extremely short shelf lives. So, it’s important that you try a few things out before you buy a large volume of fruit to use in your breakfast. Additionally, you should get a feel for the amount of fruit you plan to use in your breakfasts.
It makes sense, then, to use only those fruits and vegetables that you know you will enjoy and have long shelf lives. Things like apples, oranges, and even a few bananas will serve you well while you’re feeling things out.
After that, we suggest giving a change to peaches, blueberries, grapefruit, mango, kiwi, pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, persimmon, dragonfruit, and strawberries.
Any good grocery store will have all of these options and more, and it’s important that you give a shot to a wide variety of these items.
Consider Making Your Own Greek Yogurt
If you’re considering making yogurt an integral part of your morning routine, it may be wise to make your own. There’s nothing stopping you from making excellent greek yogurt in your own home and saving on trips to the grocery store.
Additionally, making your own product adds an element of intimacy to the whole process. Once you get the initial recipe down, you can explore and experiment with different methods.
Once you’ve got all of the required ingredients and yogurt, try out some of the following recipes:
Great Greek Yogurt Recipes
You can make a great pina colada breakfast buy mixing greek yogurt, pineapple, coconut shavings (potentially toasted if you have time), and a handful of macadamia nuts.
The proportions are up to you, but you might want to go lightly with the pineapple, seeing as the flavor could easily dominate the rest of the ingredients.
Another excellent option is a blueberry crumble greek yogurt parfait. The recipe is simple. Just combine a serving or two of greek yogurt, blueberries, granola, a spoonful or two of peanut butter, and some cinnamon.
Mix these all together, as you want to ensure that the cinnamon or peanut butter isn’t too concentrated in any one area.
Generally, any recipe you concoct should have a serving or two of yogurt, one or two different kinds of fruit, and a serving or two of your grain, nut, or seed. The more you add, the more nutritional value the breakfast will have.
That said, you will be on your way to a healthy day if you combine any yogurt, fruit, and nuts or seeds.
Interested in Making Your Own?
Any greek yogurt breakfast will be improved you make your own yogurt to go with it. We’re here to help you with recipes, advice, discussion boards, and more.
Explore our site for more information on yogurt and how to improve the quality of your diet!