Delicious Home Made Greek Yogurt Dill Dip

A little while back I came down with some health issues and as a result cut dairy from my diet. My family didn’t have to make such drastic diet changes, but I’ll admit that I wasn’t much inclined to make food I couldn’t eat. So I resorted to buying instead of making greek yogurt myself. Now that I have regained some control over my body, I have started reintroducing dairy into my diet. One change I think I’ll keep, however, is goat’s milk instead of cow’s milk. I tried to make greek yogurt with goats milk a while back and the success was middling at best, so I hope get back to you with improved instructions for making greek yogurt with goats milk very soon. Today, however, I wanted to share with you a delicious dip recipe that has become a favorite here in my household.
It’s a variation of a dip my mom used to make when I was a kid. She would make it with sour cream, and I ate it like it was going out of style. Use it as a dip for veggies, or as an additive to scrambled eggs, or as a spread on a sandwich, etc. Any other uses, please share in the comments!
What you need to make Greek Yogurt Dill Dip:
1C Greek Yogurt
1.5T finely chopped onion (could be green onions, yellow, red, whatever kind of onions you have lying around.) If you don’t have fresh onions onion powder can suffice. I say start with 1tsp onion powder and adjust for taste.
2tsp dried dill (at least). Fresh dill also would work.
Salt to taste.
Garlic powder to taste.
Put all ingredients in a bowl. Stir with a fork until everything is mixed well. Serve up with sliced veggies, chips, bread, or whatever else you want to snack on. It only gets better with time. So if you make this the night before it makes for the MOST DELICIOUS SCRAMBLED EGGS! I use it as a quick and easy addition to my kid’s school lunch so now she sometimes eats her vegetables.
I hope you enjoy! If you like this greek yogurt recipe you should definitely check out our Homemade Greek Yogurt Mint Sauce for Lamb
Sounds delish I love fresh dill will definitely try this !
This is very similar to a recipe I conjured up for dill sauce for salmon or other fish; I used sour cream, or sometimes a mix of sour cream & mayonaise – really good for fish filets. I haven’t made my own yogurt for many years, but am going to start; we live off-grid on a tight budget, & can’t even find a decent yogurt in this little town – it’s all non-fat junk type, yuck. So I haven’t had yogurt in over two years & I really miss it. Thanks for this encouraging & inspiring site! I’m going to order the Wonderbag Slow Cooker, strainer & thermometer, since I can’t use a yogurt-maker appliance here. A question; how about using part half-&-half with the whole milk for thicker/richer yogurt? It’s terribly expensive, but we buy sour cream every week & it’s expensive too; this would replace the sour cream. Thanks for your input – I appreciate it. ~ m